Drunk on the joy fitflops on sale of poetry

I will always have fond memories of the character-forming period I spent working alongside Barry MacSweeney at the Folkestone Herald in the late 70s Message in a bottle, G2, June 1. That was in the days when newspapers treasured their eccentrics rather than sacked them. Barry, as fit flop news editor, was a true one-off, and his love of sharp-dressing was highly evident. One week he announced that he had gone punk and arrived at work wearing ludicrously tight drainpipe trousers and a jacket covered in safety pins. A few days later he was talking about joining the Young Farmers and sporting a three-piece tweed ensemble. His country phase included buying a pregnant pig which he christened Garbo. He then ordered a horrified junior reporter to act as midwife. For three days the wretched hack slept in an outhouse alongside the expectant sow and with much relief was eventually able to report it managed to give birth without outside interference. Barry, of course, spent those three days safely at work, his desk cluttered with his usual bizarre array of paperwork, including perhaps the latest letter from Allen Ginsberg and a copy of the minutes of Lyminge parish council. For the unwitting, he could be dangerous to work with, as I discovered when I spent a night with him covering the 1979 general election. Barry brought copious quantities of booze and dope to be consumed while we waited for the result of the local count. Half an hour before the vital interviews with the candidates, he slumped unconscious on to his desk, leaving me to stumble off into the night to talk to the politicians. Somehow a reasonable front page fitflops on sale emerged. Jeremy Miles Boscombe East, Dorset jmileslds 149 Though affectionate and deeply felt, Gordon Burns homage tends to dwell on the alcoholism, referring to the poems primarily to illustrate the illness rather than illuminate the work. I saw MacSweeney back in his 60s heyday and again towards the end of last year. Both times he was the worse for drink fitflops

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